Sintering introduction support for newcomers

You want to introduce sintering into your company? A sintering line can easily cost 2.000.000 (two Million) Euro. To save investment and time to production, we support our customers on specifications, machine and material selection as well as pre-trials and product design for sintering. In later stages we help our customers to prevent yield losses and downtimes during production. As material costs compared to solder paste are ~50x higher for Ag sintering, maximizing yield and minimizing downtime are key factors for an economically successful sintering line. We help you to achieve that!

We offer you:

  • An overview of sintering materials and its requirements on surfaces, atmospheres
  • Process knowledge: wet- and dry pressure sintering, pressure-less sintering, large area sintering
  • Experience with sintering machines: Required equipment for pre- and postprocessing, sintering presses and sinter tooling
  • Quality inspection of a sintered joint
  • Guide how to select a sinter paste, a pick&place and a sintering machine
  • Workshops and support for product design for sintering
  • Accellerated material and equipment supplier selection
  • Prototype assembly

Questions answered for other customers

  • What are the typical process parameters for silver sintering that affect thermal and lifetime performance?
  • Which surfaces properties effect the sinter bond thermally and in lifetime performance?
  • What are the pros and cons of copper sintering vs. silver sintering?
  • What are the pros and cons and considerations when sintering in air or under N2/vacuum atmosphere?
  • What are the differences between a pressure and pressure-less sintered bond?
  • What equipment can be used for pressure-less and pressure sintering
  • What has to be considered when design a product for sintering that has been soldered previously?


Contact us today.